Friday, October 5, 2012

Ride, trips and a piece of life.. !!!

So many things to write so many things to do, right now all i wanna do is take a break :p

i need a holiday... guess what i am hitting the Arunachal Pradesh this year end and i cant wait for these few days anymore.. !!

Travelling gives me so much , in a way it helps me not only do the cliche "unwind" but yes its gives me wings, it satisfies me, it makes me happy and yes if i take a grp of frnds along and they like it it gets high :)

AP happened by chance , i totally believe in destiny now :) 2nd incident boss.. i always wanted to go to tawang and had no clue i would end up there so soon...

I asked for it and lo it was done and the best part it was planned so well before time that it feels likes its been done just within a blink of the eyes..

lol lol lol... i am happy.. oh btw here the clouds are rumbling i wonder if the rains are done and gone or its still the rainy season...

will we get snow in dec in twang ??? now tats a question i need to Google..

off to Google.. bye for now :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Kerela... Need i say more... :)

What should i name u.... !!

I dont know what to write today... i am not bored , nor has anything significant happened, nor did i make something happen, nothing at all... but i wanna write maybe just go jhdbfjbfgskbfjkbfj :p

Lame things did i did today, woke up late i am serious the TV is eating on my sleep... last night i had no clue what to do there was DDLJ on one channel toh serials on the other..... spoilt by choice u see... :p

coming back to this morning i had to drag myself out of the bed, not that i don't do that everyday but today was extra special.. the fact that tomorrow is Saturday made it even more difficult cause i work on Saturdays.... ya i know u don't have to twitch on that...

My frnds are leaving for  Leh tomorrow.. i am so J man i wish i had a bike beneath my ass and off to LEH i wud have been... last year in Aug when i went to LEH and to the beautiful KASHMIR... those 8 days were pure trance.. nasha of a different level... no daru no smoke no maal can get u there :p

i miss LEH... wanna hit the roads again for Leh.. !!!

as of now i am sitting here in front of the pc.. thinking abt abt the shit load of work that i need to do but dont want to and hence scribbling something :p

Like FB says "Whats on your mind" - i wanna fly high... that on my mind.. on this day i wanna fly so high that i can soar up in the sky and no one can touch me there.. tats hat i wanna do.. :)

Whats on your mind.. ??? i guess it wud stop this nonsense.. :p so its buh byeeeeeeeeee !! :p

Monday, March 5, 2012

What do i start off with... hmmm.. just back from a small trip to the land of strawberries... What a place, never fails to make you fall in love with her... Panchgani.... !!!