Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A YeAR ThAt WeNt bY !! :p

A year that went by, from my last birthday to this birthday...

Well loads of things took shape, have a cat, have a bike club rather am a owner of a bike club , lived my dream which i waited for 6 years - LEH, saw 11 places in the last one year, went from confused state of mnd about being in love to am i in love to yes i am in love to are u sure i am in love state :p , read a lot , worked my ass off, partied hard, drank hard, in short I lived.. !!!

thats Cheeku... my love.. !!!

The Mumbai Musafirs... the club we formed..

LEh - This is what dreams are made off.. !!!

Life has been beautiful so far.. !!

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