Monday, April 6, 2009

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........The road less travelled...

Today the day seems to be when u sit back and think, the day for retrospection kinda.... :)
cant belive i stuck around at work for 1 year 3 months and 16 days already... phew time just keeps running, in between these 471 days life took thrice the number of turns, all along i have won something, lost something, loved, hated, broke, attached all under one hat one sun...

Seems amazing at times as how time and life really waits for none, in this time i have loved ppl, hurt some ppl, broken some ppl, broke muself, gave away myself, just went the way that i felt i should and honestly the only thing i regeret is not being able to stand by the ppl ihave hurt, i wih i could go aback and change that maybe i would love to go back 5 years ago and chnage the root of it.... But as they saw spilt milk is wasted milk but i pray from the bottom of my heart that i want them to be happy, i swear i never wanted to screw them...

When i sit back i think i have moved far away from my brood as well, my sister went away to UK and today i dont really crib and cry about the fact that she aint here it has become a way of life now... i hope i adjust when she comes back... :) sorry baby..

the other day i was watching this serial " how i met ur mother " where the friend of the guy broke up his relationship cause she thought his flame did not pass the poarch test, i really found it so nice i mean she was married happy but she had the liberty to break her frnds relation cause she gave importance to them being togetehre when ther grow old and play cards on the poarch, how i wish hemant thought the same, but happens and thats why we have the chnace to sit back and think.....

Life moves on and so do we, we usually have 2 roads a road less travelled and a road often taken and its we who deceide to take the risk or not, i wud take tke the road less travelled atleast u have some stories for ur kids when u grow old... :)

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