Thursday, December 31, 2009

HaPpY NeW YeAr !!!!!!

Its the time of the year....

....when all of us have happily discarded the old calendars and put up new brighter ones.

....when we look back at the past year and evaluate it in terms of losses and gains, we also plan for the year ahead with lots of kept unkept resolutions lots of hopes, new dreams, aims and goals.

Yes the year 2009 has ended and we have already stepped into 2010.

Just as every passing year has some significance attached to it, this one has been significant for me.

When I look back and see that I've made it through various ups and downs this year, I feel proud and blessed for having your best wishes and prayers all through by my side.

And hence on the first day of the year I take the opportunity to THANK each and every one of my family and friends(virtual friends too :) ) for all the support you have extended and made me smile through the hardships. I’d like you to know, it means a lot to me.

On that note.. here’s wishing you and your loved ones prosperity,good health,wealth happiness and abundant blessings.

May 2010 bring with it all the wonderful things you hoped for…

Happy New Year !!!!!


Devil said...


What?????? that was a sigh of relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Anne,
Happy New Year To You Too....
i really had a blast last night...
thanks to all my friends who wanted me to party...
and thanks for remembering...
i would love to hear about your vacation... hope that it comes up soon...
take care...

P.S. Read my post titled - "Best 30 minutes of my life" and let me know what u think...


Devil said...

Hey!!! been a long time...

Where have you been?

Still on a vacation????

Devil said...

hey, saw ur comment today...
how are you yaar?
didn't post anything?
it would not be an understatement if i said, "I missed reading your posts"