Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tomorrow i am off to a small vacation................
A vacation i badly need... a vacation to a place where no network you can access.. trust me there is a place where u cant access network and that too within 2 hours from the city of BOMBAY.. !! Amazing aint it.. !!!

Aint it something we all would love to be at i mean far away from the maddening crowd, the local train, the bus rides, the heat..everything..... U know here when we look out of the office glass ( we spend most of the time there ) all we see is buildings, industries but hardly any birds and ya we hardly hear the birds chirp these days...
i remember when i was in school right outside my window there used to be this golmohar tree and it had so many sparrows and at times these little fellows used to come inside the room... i used to call them "chiddimai" :) (how stupid) but now no chiddimai's at all.. they seem to have disappeared completely.... but guess what the place i am heading for has loads of them...

U know the best part about this place is the house, it a thatched roof house, with this gobar lipa hua floor and hence colddddddddd when this khatiya outside on the veranda with a beautiful mountain view... wat else would u ask for !!

i have been there like 50 times already but everytime i go there i discover something new, last time i went trekking on the mountain and saw these beautiful birds and flowers.. i wonder wats in store this time....

Its almost the end of the week... and i cant wait for mornng tomorrow....
more when i am back...................... :)


Devil said...

Hey Anne!
Long time, no new posts from you!!!!
Is everything okay or what?
missed reading your posts. my id aint working. so, dont know if u have replied or not...
Better take care of yourself coz u r important.


Devil said...

Starting to get a wee bit worried....
is everything ok???????

EnTrAdA...!!! said...


Firstly wish you a very happy new year :)
Was on a vacation. :) so could not write...
Hope u had a blast last night !!

EnTrAdA...!!! said...

i am doing fine and yes thanks for all the support Mr. Advocate :) i will write about my vacation soon... c ya :)