Sunday, February 1, 2009

CoNFuSeD To ThE CoRe... !!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh the month ended and what a month it had been.... i m so god damn confused.. whats wrong with me... i cant be a lovey dovey girl who sees stars in the day just by looking at him.... god just some chemical imbalance in the head i guess.. :)

anyways new year came and went by, the month ended it all happened so very quick yaar...

last night was some night man infact the night before too was rocking too i was so bloody drunk :) phew dont even remember much of it.. :P the stuff plus the hooka plus *$#%!&*( god lethal combination... :)

mom dad i miss u guys but kya karu yaar i am sorry too... but mom dad i really love u guys u are the best ppl who happned to me, love u... Rimpa yaar wish u were here i really miss you yaar... love u bacha...

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