Monday, February 23, 2009

Hmmm... Wondering wat to pen down.........

DEV D..... that's high on my mind right now, saw the movie fantastic movie, the take on modern day ppl the Y Generation.... i guess we all are somewhere down the heart a DEV D cause we just don't trust ppl.. or do we ??

Abhay deols character was so honest i mean i could relate to it...

dv seems to be so much like dev d.. i mean just like dev d was in love with paro even though he was with chanda who took care who stood by him who was someone he was so comfortable with he still talked at paro his love, does dv talk abt vids.. last night while watching the movie i felt nothing less than a whore even if he is comfortable with me he talks to me about anything under the sun, he thinks i am his best frnd but thats where it stops being frnds even if we have moved far ahead than being just frnds, i swear i felt like a whore.........

i am so much like chanda who loves dev inspite of knowing the fact that he might not love back to be honest i think i have fallen for dv and i love him but i know that fact that he does not, he happens to be with me spends time with m, says he loves me but we love our pet dogs too right.. but i know i am not that spl person and it honestly it breaks my heart,

As the saying goes it breaks your heart to see the person you love not happy with you but there is nothing more painful than not letting the person know what you feel him them, i know it and i want dv to know it but honestly i cant afford to loose his friendship i just cant, he is far too important to be lost for love i cant do it..

Does he really not know that i love him does he really not feel all the spl the way i try and make him feel, does he really not know how important he is to me , does he really not see how much i feel for him.......... i wish he could read between lines and somewhere my heart says he knows it but my brains he does not he cares a damn abt it but my heart says he cares and he knows everything just that he aint telling it, i hope my hearts right.... or maybe its gods way of punishing me for what i did to golu.... i am sorry.....

Dv if u ever realise waht i feel for u and if u dont feel the same pls dont stop talking to me pls... but i hope u feel the same too i swear i will go 8 sizes lesser than what i am soon i know say it but i aint putting any efforts but i swear will do something b4 your birthday you will i swear see a new me and i hope u love me.......................................

take care.. god bless... love u dv

1 comment:

william, the bloody said...

unsolicitated advise, came across your blog randomly, couldnt stop reading :) I have been where you are and also where 'dv' is at different points in life. Its always better to tell someone how you feel. And if the person is not at the same place where you are, its cool too. You have to give him some credit and believe that he will take it like an adult and not be immature about it and ruin your friendship.