Thursday, February 12, 2009

iTs VaLtEnTiNe HoNeY !!!!!!!

well its lunch time...a lot of thoughts banging right through my brains, tomorrow morning i welcome back my parents, i missed them yaar but now i am really gonna miss him........... i lived life with him man, this is the 3rd time that i wanted mom dad to stay back a bit longer and all these 3 times have been him.... am i in love or am i in love with the idea of being with him, i dont know, but whatever it is its special.. its really really special... god i want this special things to be there forever man.. sometimes i think human beings especially me are very selfish, there is this person who says i will be there always dont say no give it a try but i dont feel anything for him am i so stone hearted, but just because i dont wanna hurt him should i stay with him but wat after that i will stray cause i dont wanna be there, am i so wrong if i say i dont wanna be with him i am sorry i cant be there.......

i feel so special with dv i know he does not think of it as a long term bond he is just being there cause he likes being with me but he also know i love being with him, we have our sweet share of fights, we have our share of eye talk its all so cute man..........

last 15 days have been bliss, we ate together, drank together , cooked together, slept together its was about us more than me or him...mornings have been hateful u know get up b4 him so that it makes him get up i mean its so silly but its so cute as well, pick up everything after dinner cause he is too tired to do it, so cute, sit with him while he makes him manual even if ur eyes are closing with dollops of sleep resting on ur lids, so cute... i just love everything about him...

asking in the morning in his language "samayam??" and me trying to think in sleep what is he telling me, so cute....

i am in love i guess but am i right being in love when someone is hurt because of me and honestly i dont wanna get in a relationship now but i wanna be with him, i mean we both like each other understand each other and dont pretend about anything itsnt that the basis of something very strong very pure very sacred very special...

just wanna say i had heard angels always surround us, sanjay has been my angel too but this time around i have been touched by an angel and it made me spacial......

ThAnKs Dv My AnGeL !!!! LoVe YoU.. MuAh...

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